It’s not clear what is the best solution:
Forbid ‘:’ for plain scalars in the flow context and use it to separate keys from values. his syntax is more Python-compatible. For instance, it allows
{1:2,2:3,3:5,4:7,5:11,6:13,7:17,8:23} # prime numbers
Allow ‘:’ for plain scalars in the flow context provided it’s not followed by a whitespace. Require ‘:’ to separate keys from values. This will allow unquoted time values and URLs in the flow context. For instance,
[12:45,] # Time and URL
What do you think? ’‘’Please leave an excerpt of your document which produced an error here, in the wiki page.’’’
presentation: {type: textarea_tag, params: rich=true tinymce_options=width:500 }
this is a problem for me, please observe: {{{ found unexpected ‘:’ in “
Here’s another real-world example:
dhcp: [
group: linux_i386X,
mac: 99:19:b9:fa:37:99,
I would definitely agree for the colon-space solution (it fixes these examples, but not, I suppose, every issue.)
Yet another example:
found unexpected ':'
in "<string>", line 1, column 11:
urls: []
It would make sense to require ‘:’ when parsing a value - if you see a:b when parsing a value, you should treat that as the string “a:b”. When parsing a key-value in a mapping, it should be possible to allow either url: (no space) or url: as you know from context that you’re expecting a : to terminate a key. Of course, colons in keys are pathological and should not be tolerated ;-)
Solution #1 may be natural for Python but not for other languages. Since YAML should stay language-neutral solution #2 would meet much more expectations. Example from Polyglot Maven:
site: { id: site, url: "" }
repository: { id: releases, name: releases, url: "" }
snapshotRepository: { id: snapshots, name: snapshots, url: "" }
Another example (from the Ruby world):
Psych::SyntaxError: (<unknown>): couldn't parse YAML at line 0 column 10
and the source document:
order: [ :year, :month, :day ]
Another real world example:
{created_at: 2011-03-04T15:58:25Z}
Which was reported here[].